Saturday, August 10, 2013

"Pillows for Parents"

After several years of donating items for children who were hospitalized, like toys, blankets, art projects, socks and chapsticks, Rowan and I had a conversation at the hospital one day about parents.  Out of the blue Rowan said, "Mommy, how come we never bring anything for the parents of the sick kids?".  I told him that was a great question, and asked him what he thought would be a good idea.  We decided we would both think about it.  As we went to sleep one night, a few days later, I tried to curl up in the chair next to his hospital bed, and attempted to get comfortable with my flat little plastic hospital pillow.  Rowan watched me as I folded the pillow in half, then folded it in half again, so I could wedge the pillow under my cheek.  Rowan shouted, "I got it Mommy! I know what the parents need.  Better fluffy pillows!" This was the beginning of "Pillows for Parents", sponsored by The Rowan Jameson Windham Foundation. 

This past year was the first year that we did this.  We purchased big fluffy oversized pillows and nice soft pillow cases to go on them.  We delivered them to the hospital on Christmas Eve and they were distributed to parents of children who were hospitalized for Christmas.  The Child Life Department let us know that we had donated the exact number that was needed to cover all the patients families in the PICU, Transplant, and Surgical Wings of the Hospital.  The best feedback we heard was that a couple of the Moms actually cried because they were so excited about their big soft fluffy pillows.  You'd be amazed how far a simple comfort like this can go to make someone's day better, especially when they have likely spent days on end by their sick child's bed, usually sleeping in chairs, recliners or pull out beds. 

This idea of Rowan's was one of his best ever! It was so well received, and such a blessing...not just to those on the receiving end, but to us.  It warmed our hearts to know that so many of them would rest easier during that Christmas Holiday, even if they were stuck in the hospital with their sick child.  We hope to continue to run this program every year, during Christmas at least and possibly at other times of the year as well.

 If you are interested in contributing to this project, or have any connections with companies
 who could donate or provide pillows or cases at discounted prices, please contact us anytime.
Thank you very much!
 (*Reminder: we are a non-profit 501-3C charity, donations are tax-deductible.)

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